Can you move to Germany without job?

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Published on
May 2, 2023

Have you ever considered moving to Germany, but thought it was impossible without a job lined up first? Well, it turns out that it’s actually possible to make the move, even if you haven’t secured employment yet. In this blog post, we’ll explore the possibilities of moving to Germany without a job, and discuss the necessary steps to make the move a reality.

Can you move to Germany without a job?

The good news, is the answer is YES! 🥳 Many people move to Germany without a job lined up, and find employment before moving themselves (and their families) over.

Why move to Germany without a job?

Benefits of living in Germany

With its world-renowned educational system and rich culture, Germany is a great country to live, work, and raise a family. Germany is known for its high-quality jobs, good salaries, and excellent work/life balance. It has a very large and diverse labor market, offering many different employment opportunities to professional workers. Germany is an ideal destination for anyone looking for a challenging yet rewarding career in an international setting. So, regardless of which German city you're interested in, if you're looking for an amazing job in Germany, you won't be disappointed by the range of opportunities available.

Career opportunities in Germany

There are plenty of job opportunities available for those who are willing to look for them, making it a great place to relocate without having a job lined up. Germany is an ideal place to search for a job due to its thriving economy, healthy job market, and diverse range of industries. Germany offers numerous opportunities across a variety of sectors. From engineering, IT and healthcare to arts, media and education - there are Germany job opportunities that cater to everyone's interests and skillsets. With the right preparation and determination, you can find the perfect Germany job for you. Start your Germany job search today and explore all the possibilities Germany has to offer.

Wondering if you need to speak German to work in Germany? We answer that question here.

Expat worker solidarity

Besides Germany's thriving economy and job market, Germans can be very supportive of newcomers looking for work in the country. As such, there are growing numbers of foreign jobseekers in Germany, making it easier to find supportive fellow expats. If you are considering a move to Germany for employment, you can rest assured that you will be in good company.

Curious what it's like to live in Germany as an expat? Check out our content series, What it's Like.

What you need to move to Germany without a job


Germany has a highly regulated immigration system and requires a valid residence permit for all non-EU citizens. Foreign jobseekers have two options:

If you are a citizen of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, USA, UK

Citizens of the above countries have two options. You are allowed to enter Germany without a visa, and can stay for up to 90 days. You can use this roughly 3-month period to search for jobs and establish professional connections. Do note, however, you are not allowed to work during this period. If you find a job within these 3 months, you can transition onto an official work permit. Learn more about the types of work permits here.

You can also apply for a jobseeker visa—more detail on that in the paragraph below.

If you are a citizen of any other country

You must have a valid visa to travel to Germany. While a Schengen visa will work in a limited capacity, what is best to apply for is a jobseeker visa. A jobseeker visa will allow you to stay in Germany for a maximum of six months. There's also an additional benefit: with a jobseeker visa, you are allowed to work up to ten hours per week on a trial basis as part of the job application process. Learn more about the jobseeker visa here.

It is important to remember that many permits are only issued for a limited period of time and must be renewed regularly in order to stay legally employed in Germany.

Financial stability

You must have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Germany. This can be demonstrated in the form of bank statements from your home country bank, a blocked account, or a letter of sponsorship from someone already living in Germany. To be sure that you understand all the requirements for working in Germany, it is best to research the requirements specific to your situation before beginning the process.

Health insurance

You will also need to show proof of health insurance. While it's possible to do this with a travel insurance, we recommend working with a German provider to cover you during your time in Germany. That way, you know your coverage is good enough for the authorities reviewing your application.


It is also necessary to prove that you have a place to stay in Germany. This can be done through having family or friends in the country or a rental agreement. If rental agreement sounds too intense—don't worry! There are actually many amazing temporary housing options that provide furnished apartments and the opportunity to meet other expats. Learn more about temporary housing here.

Having all the necessary documents and a place to stay will ensure that you can stay peacefully and comfortably as you look for a job in Germany.

Resources Available for Finding Work in Germany

Germany has a very diverse job market, with employment opportunities in a range of fields such as IT, manufacturing, engineering, finance, retail, and healthcare. Finding work in Germany can take time and perseverance, but there are plenty of opportunities.

Web Search

There are several great websites dedicated to connecting expats and international workers with potential employers in Germany. If you're looking for work in Germany, it's a great idea to explore these sites. You can create a profile and upload your CV, so potential employers can easily find the information they need. Additionally, many of these websites also offer resources and advice on navigating Germany's job market. So if you want to make sure you're getting the most out of your job search in Germany, these websites are definitely worth checking out.

Professional networking

Networking with other professionals or organizations that specialize in helping international workers find employment in Germany can be immensely helpful as well. Germany primarily uses two sites for professional networking: the global giant, Linkedin, and a German-specific site, Xing. Both are great places to start building your network and looking for open positions.

Job Fairs and Networking Events

Attending job fairs and networking events for foreign nationals, seeking advice from career counselors, and connecting with employers who specialize in recruiting foreign jobseekers are all great ways to increase your opportunities for finding a job in Germany. You can try looking at Eventbrite events in your city of choice for industry events.

In conclusion, there are several options for making the move to Germany without a job. You may be eligible for a residence permit, or, depending on your citizenship, you can arrive on a tourist visa and then look for work. Whichever route you choose, it’s important to plan ahead and make sure that you understand the requirements and regulations in order to make the transition as smooth and stress-free as possible. If you have any questions, just use the Human Support option from your Worldify dashboard. 🔵

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