How to change your address in Germany 

Worldify - Stuffed mailbox in Germany
Written by
Gabrielle Soria
Published on
April 29, 2023

Do you need to change your address in Germany? Like everything in this country, it's not difficult, but it is a bit technical. We've broken down everything you need to know below!

If you’ve been here long enough, you’ve probably noticed that Germany is charmingly (or ludicrously) dependent on the postal service for important letters. That makes forwarding your mail in Germany incredibly important when you’re moving house. The good news is that it’s pretty straightforward to both update your address with the Deutsche Post, and to forward your mail to your new home or a different address while you are on holiday. 

🚨 Attention Berliners:

For Berliners, one really important thing to realize is that when you change your address in your Germany, you need to do it twice. That’s because there are two different types of mail providers in Berlin: the regular post, and what’s called Pin Mail, a private postal service that works with select providers to send registered mail. One of these providers is the city of Berlin, which encompasses all city services, including the Ausländerbehörde. This means that if you do not change your address with them, it is likely that your important immigration papers will be delivered to the wrong address. 

How to change your address in Germany 

Changing your address in Germany is simple—and best of all, digital. Believe it or not, the Deutsche Post offers Nachsendeservice online! The only painful part is that this process has to be done in German, but fear not! We’ve got an English breakdown of their form below. 

  1. Visit the Nachsendeservice site
  2. Complete the information intake (breakdown below in English) 
  3. Submit and live your life! 

Tutorial: Change your address in Germany

The Deutsche Post Nachsendeservice

Here’s a quick English guide through the Deutsche Post’s Nachsende German site’s online address change form. 

Cost of changing your address in Germany

There is a charge to change your address in Germany with the Deutsche Post, but it’s not terribly expensive. And definitely worth it to make sure your mail gets delivered to the right place! 

Pricing: €23.90 for 6 months or €30.90 for 12 months

Tutorial: Forward your mail in Germany

At some point during your stay abroad, you may wish to spend an extended period of time outside of Germany—whether back in your home country or somewhere else in this great wide world. When you do, don’t forget to forward your Deutsche Post. This keeps your address registered where it is, but sends your mail onwards to a designated address while you are out of town. 

Important! Pin mail in Germany

We can’t stress this enough—if you live in Berlin, do not forget to change your address with the Pin mail as well. Like the Deutsche Post, this is simple and digital. And like the the Nachsendeservice, it is all in German. (Don’t worry—we’ve done an English guide for this too). 

  1. Visit the Pin mail site
  2. Complete the information intake (breakdown below in English) 
  3. Submit and live your life! 

If you do not live in Berlin, you do not need to worry about this piece of red tape. Lucky you!

Tutorial: Changing your pin mail address in Germany

Here’s a quick English guide through the Pin Mail's German site’s online address change form.

Cost of changing your pin mail address in Germany

Like with the Deutsche Post, it does cost a little to set up this service. But given how many important pieces of mail come through this provider, it’s definitely the right call to do so. 

Pricing:  €29.90 for 6 months or €39.90 for 12 months

Tutorial: Forward your pin mail in Germany

When all you want to do is forward your pin mail, you’ll simply check the box “Vorübergehende Abwesenheit” (Temporary Absence) at the top of the form.

There you have it! Not so tricky to do—especially when you use our guides—but incredibly important, so don't skip this step! Best of luck with your move!   🔵

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