What it’s like to be Irish in Germany

Jamie stands under a flowering tree in Berlin, Germany
Written by
Jamie Noone
Published on
May 11, 2023

Living abroad isn’t always easy—especially in a historically homogenous country like Germany. But it can be hard to find some real talk amongst all the dreamy imagery. Introducing What It’s Like, a new content series. Diverse perspectives sharing candid conversations about what it’s like to be ________ in Germany. 

What it’s like to be Irish in Germany

Meet Jamie, originally from Dublin, Ireland. 🇮🇪 Currently living in Berlin.

Tell us a bit about you.

I come from Dublin, Ireland. I moved in the midst of the pandemic in August 2020 by myself. I was working a variety of random jobs, from bartender to electrician, to sausage salesman to musician.

Why Germany?

I first became interested in moving to Berlin because of the already vibrant music scene that it had. That was then compounded with the fact that the rents are much lower than Dublin. The German bureaucracy still loomed over me but because Ireland is still in the EU, I think I had it easier than most.

Tell us about life in Germany.

I struggled at the beginning, I haven’t suffered homesickness, but the city was definitely daunting. I’ve never had trouble making friends, but I have noticed that only around 20% of my friends are German over here, the rest being expats.

What has been hard for you, living in Germany?

The bureaucracy really impacted me, likewise with the tax system originally. My working conditions in my first job were also deplorable but thankfully I’m out of there now!

What do you love about Germany—what makes you stay?

The people, the openness, the appreciation of all things weird, the wonderful formal kindness and the cheap rent lol

How has it been, being so far away from home?

I miss the interactions you’d have with Irish people, very individual to Ireland (as they say back home, the craic). I keep in regular contact with people back home so I’ve never felt too out of the loop.

What's a piece of advice you'd give to other Irish people thinking of moving here?

Make sure you have all of your documents ready, make sure to not lose yourself in the party culture, learn a bit of German and learn to understand the culture of the country.  🔵


Read more of the series here. 🌎 If you’d like to contribute your story and experiences in Germany, we’d love to feature you! Write to us at hello@getworldify.com.

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